Sunday, August 24, 2008

Becoming An Expert In the Web 2.0 World

Now that most of us obtain our information via the Internet, credible or not, versus printed magazines and newspapers, it's key that if you are going to position yourself as an expert in your field that you know how to leverage the Web to your advantage.

1. Blog, Digg, Repeat
It's critical you have your own blog now adays, and not thru your employer. Many people often have multiple blogs focused on different niches (for example, I maintain a second blog - - to focus on facilitating change in education by applying technology) Blog often, but only when you have something to say - don't force it out of you. Once you complete your blog post, digg it to obtain further exposure. Then repeat for your next great idea or piece of advise.

2. Consistent Professional Profile on Public Social Networking Sites
With so many "networks" to join today, I now only have 2 I maintain regularly - LinkedIn for business and Facebook for personal. Because I want to have some fun with the internet, yet don't want employers to see, I ensure my LinkedIn page is my professional, public facing presence, and my Facebook one private, only allowing friends in to view.

3. Find Networks to Give Advice Thru
There's more than just blog tools where you can create your own blog now. Our traditional printed publishers typically have an online presence today. Other networks and creative forums for providing information and advice now exist (such as Google for either your favorite publications or topics and see if the editors of those forums will let you post as a writer, blogger or forum contributor. Many will want your time for free, but will provide you access to their readership, which could be a few hundred thousand or more.

Remember, this is just like building a network - you build it when you don't need it, so when you really do need it it is there and ready for harvesting.

You will never know when someone sees your virtual posts and wants you for their next great project.

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