Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Are You Afraid Of?


Public opinion?

Or worse, success?

Be it a monetary set back, or a public image set back, what are you waiting for to focus on achieving your goals? If you are driven to deliver on what you are passionate about you really have nothing to lose other than missing opportunities to focus on what you love.

So, what's that obstacle in front of you that you need to confront, tackle and just get over to make your dream reality? Here's my formula to overcoming fears that could be keeping you away from your goals:

1. What is your fear?
Write it down. Read it. Understand it - why does it exist? Where did this fear first arise? How does it come up for you? What are the underlying characteristics of this fear?

2. Imagine going through that fear.
What if you hit that fear - how will that really play out? Imagine it happening to you and the different ways it could go. Is it all that bad?

3. Brainstorm ways to remove or get around your fear.
It's time to play real life "choose your own adventure". What things can you do to get around the obstacle, or, remove it completely? Can someone help you get through or around these fears? Prioritize these ideas in a manner where you can begin to try the first one to three easily to see if it helps you jump over that fear.

For readers that know me very well you know that I originally had a fear of public speaking. My knees would quiver. I couldn't remember what I wanted to say. My delivery was rigid, mechanical and un-life like.

This fear is not completely gone, but I have brainstormed ways to get through and around the fear. For example lots of practice, envisioning a flawless delivery over and over in my head, or only talking on topics I know backwards and forwards.

It's time to get over your number one fear keeping you from making progress - identify and tackle it!

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