Saturday, March 8, 2008

What's Your Opportunity MoJo? Part 4 - Impact!

We've looked at 2 of the three components in helping you decide if "this opportunity's right for you". So, let's look at the third - impact.

First, you are probably wondering "what do you mean by impact?" Great question. This is really an "eye of the beholder" characteristic - YOU need to define what you mean when you think impact.

For example, does "making an impact" mean to you:
  • Influencing a person
  • Changing a system
  • Becoming recognized or remembered for something

Once you pinpoint the number one "what" it is you want to impact, you then need to further define "what" is, such as

  • What is it that you want to do to make that impact?
  • Is there a target domain/audience?
  • What do you want the end results to be?

For example, for a long time I've personally wanted "impact" throughout my lifetime "education". That's a bit too broad to really feel a sense of impact and accomplishment. So I've had to peel back the onion over the years and ask

  • Is it the "system" I want to impact, or the "people" in the system?
  • Is there a particular domain of education I am more interested in changing then others?

I've finally honed in on 2 areas for impact

  • Making the educational process more efficient and effective (which I am lucky to do at the day job)
  • Helping motivate girls to get educated so to open their eyes to the world ahead of them (which is part of side projects I work on)

I'm cheating a bit as I have 2 impact areas (remember, overachiever here), but these are at least well defined reference points I have to help determine if the next opportunity that comes my way is something I want to jump on, or not.

What do you want to impact today, tomorrow and in the future?

PS - Small things do matter. Read The Tipping Point on how little things can make a big difference.

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